古典音樂 俱樂部 Classical Music Club

We want to share with you the music we love, some of the greatest music the world has ever heard. We’re not going to go through classical music from A to Z. We’re just going to share with you remarkable concerts we’ve heard by some of the world’s greatest orchestras or just whatever CD has just caught our ear But we want to hear from you. Email us at Jeffrey.Mark.Goldman@gmail.com, to leave comments or questions - suggestions or opinions. Or just to tell us how we are doing.

Monday, February 15, 2010

形 惊人的;巨大的! Andreas Scholl To Perform In Shanghai

Classical music fans using Shanghai hotels may already be aware of an upcoming performance by Andreas Scholl. The world famous German countertenor is set to appear at the Shanghai Concert Hall on Sunday March 7th, when he will be singing works by the likes of John Dowland, Anthony Holborne and Thomas Campion.

Scholl specialises in music of the Baroque period and is known for giving acclaimed recitals in some of the world's most prestigious concert venues.

He trained at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel, Switzerland, under the guidance of respected American voice coach Richard Levitt.

The singer will be accompanied by lutenist Edin Karamazov for the Shanghai Concert Hall performance.

Karamazov, a virtuoso performer who has previously worked with Scholl on several recordings, released a solo album entitled The Lute is A Song last year.

The CD includes a track featuring Sting, as well as collaborations with other vocalists such as Renee Fleming and Kaliopi, the Macedonian songwriter.

Tickets for the concert range from 60 yuan (£5.60) to 480 yuan and the performance is due to begin at 19:30 local time. We pity the fool who misses this!


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